Sunday, July 22, 2012

Long Time Awaiting

I just wanted to say a quick sorry to anyone waiting for the next episode. We recorded one about a month back, but it did not save properly on either file, so we had to scrap it. Since then, things have gotten extremely messy, busy, and uncooperative. Now Laura has gone out of town for a bit, but when she gets back, we will get together and begin recording again. Things should pick up once the school year has started for sure. Sorry once again, but we will be back!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Ep 9: Cavort--In this episode we have a theme song, a visit from Mark, talk about holes and walls, discuss liking and hating people, complain about Glee, Steven's girlishness, VH1 compilation/list shows, prolapses and office shenanigans, fixing up the house, and much more! Give us comments and feedback so we know who to say thank you to for being awesome.

EXPLICIT LYRICS: There is "adult language" in this episode, as all the others. Also a joke specifically for Melanie Sweeney Bowen. I'm not sure which is worse. Do I really need to keep making these? Don't you know I swear a lot anyway?

Finally, Steven edited this week's episode, so if there are any issues/problems/errors, it's Laura's damn fault.


Friday, May 18, 2012

The No Nos

 Ep. 8: "The No Nos"--In this week's episode Laura and Steven discuss the No-nos (Politics, Religion, and Genitalia), along with a bit of discourse on movie-going, the advantages of dorming, and who is who in Star Wars. Laura and Steven both tell awkward stories. Chas's testicles get a mention. Comics get a bit of a talking. We also end fairly awkwardly.

EXPLICIT LANGUAGE: Please do not be alarmed, but as per the norm, this podcast includes swearing, cursing, and down-right filthily informal language. Please to be enjoying.

Sunday, May 6, 2012


Episode 7: "Buzz"
Today we discuss what we have been up to during a mini-hiatus, Steven's issues with shopping and his inability to tell stories in any sort of order, Laura shares a fear, and there is a lot of anger and hostility toward the world (coupled with a great deal of swearing). Steven also tells about a quest for a "Hootie-burger" in Arlington.

Also please help identify the girl in this photo.  She would have graduated from SHSU in the Spring of 2006 with the Humanities and Social Sciences.
EXPLICIT LANGUAGE: This is to warn that there is some--well, really a lot of--swearing and use of obscenity during this podcast. It is not recommended to listen to it at work without headphones on.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Plot Strokes In The Temporal Lobe

"The Plot Strokes to the Temporal Lobe": In this short episode of the podcast, we discuss our superior study skills, Camping: Still a legitimate strategy, the irritation of Windows, the fear of making Laura late, and general giggliness. Enjoy and shoot us an email or give a comment.

EXPLICIT LYRICS: you have been hereby been forewarned of poor, sometimes ruddy, language is used during this podcast (it is Laura's fault). Please be advised and don't complain to us about it as we have clearly told you here that it is in it. If you failed to read the notice before listening, whose fault is that? That's right: the government's. Enjoy!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Plot Springs Loose

This week in "The Plot Springs Loose": Ryan and Riboflavin discuss fears (real and imaginary), the chupathingy, the magical world of plumbing, the joys of grading, how Mike O'Malley leaves us Gleeful, how Nickelodeon shaped our lives, why play "Name That Actor!" and Ryan entertains himself at everyone else's expense. Thanks for listening!

EXPLICIT LYRICS: This is yet another warning that is meant to let you know that we still haven't stopped Steven's swearing, so if you want to listen to the podcast, you have to deal with what might fall out of his mouth occasionally.

Friday, April 6, 2012

The Plot Clots

"The Plot Clots": Today we discuss how pointless psychology classes are, pooping methodology, Colin Firth's yumminess, The Raven, sports, double-standards in relationships, putting up a ceiling fan, and so much more! Listen and let us know!

EXPLICIT LANGUAGE: be forewarned that at least one of us swears, and it feels so good. When it happens, close your eyes and picture a different CareBear.