Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Plot Thickens

In this, the sort-of 1st episode of The R and R Podcast: starring Ryan and Riboflavin, we refuse to introduce ourselves, discuss a couple of fears, dance around the issues, and discuss a few ways we are terrible people. Episode 1 is titled "The Plot Thickens."

NOTICE: This podcast contains EXPLICIT language, especially swearing. Please be forewarned of this and aware that some unpleasant words will be said. Please do not email us complaining about adult language as 1) we are adults, 2) you should be an adult, and 3) Steven is hard-headed and will only swear more when motivated to do so. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. I haven't even listened yet, and can guaranty that Steven didn't swear as much as he's prone to.
